Scribbles and Giggles

A blog with a mission to share laughter and joy.

“He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with joy.” Job 8:21


Love Greater than Dark Chocolate

On the morning of Valentine’s Day, I opened up my Bible to the next Psalm in my plan and found myself in Psalm 136. It begins, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his…

My Everything

I don’t know about you, but there are a lot of things that battle for my constant attention. School and extracurriculars, plans for the future and anxieties about the past, siblings and friends, commitments and assignments–my head only has to hit my pillow at night before I suddenly remember a…

Looking Back with Gratitude

Last night, after staying up late working on homework, I had one of those moments that’s exactly like the saying “Hindsight is always 20-20.” It truly is. Looking back, it’s so obvious that I shouldn’t have procrastinated on ALL of my assignments. It’s so obvious that I should have started…

Thoughts on Prayer

Hey friends! Today I thought I’d share a couple of thoughts around prayer. It’s mentioned (even commanded) so often in the Bible, but it’s often so hard to know where to start or what it should look like. I’m nowhere near perfect in this (or any!) area of faith, but…


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About the Authors

Katie James

Welcome to Scribbles & Giggles! I’m Katie James, co-founder and co-author of the blog, and I’m so happy you’re here. I’m obsessed with writing, listening to music, baking, reading, working out (sometimes), and dreaming up crazy stories about myself. I have 3 younger siblings (all boys), and I live in Arkansas. (But I was born in Texas and will always remain loyally Texan, no matter what anyone says.)

I’m eager to share life with you all on the blog!

Abby Emilyn

Hey y’all! I’m Abby Emilyn. I live in Arkansas with my parents, 5 younger siblings, and our sweet/crazy/adorable/jumpy puppy, Gryffindor. Suffice it to say, our home is never boring! When I’m not doing school, reading for hours on end, or spending time with my family, you can probably find me eating donuts (or some other equally healthy food) and hanging out with my amazing friends. I love creating pretty much any form of visual art you can think of, I sing basically 24/7, and I run track and cross-country seasonally.

Random things I love: Dark chocolate, youth group, sweatshirts, good books, math & science & Latin & theology & writing & logic… (Really just academics in general), Spotify, and black raspberry chip ice cream from Graeter’s.


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